

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sea Cliffs

Pictures by Colin Moffett

Glory of dawn caresses, thy beautiful shores
Kissed with a smile, that beckons, far more
When surface ripples are escalated by winds
The greatest of life’s waves, come rolling in

Sea cliffs are high, riddled by salty sea spray
Driving forces battered, thy base day after day
Waves thrash and tumble along your outer banks
Given no mercy, reaching right, and left flanks

Roar of the breakers, are carried across winds
Flood tide of fears grasp, into the tyrant’s hands
Wilt thou vanish beneath the sculpturing waves
Under constant tattering, that brought forth caves

Whitecap seas pound, hollowing out depression
Calling on erosion, lending hand to regression
Carved by furies elements, breaking crest of sea
A unique rending, mosaic existence, forming thee

The descending Rock, a shielding to, the cliff face
Covering armor of God’s love, extending grace
Through renewed strength a wounded eagle soars
And once again glory caresses, thy beautiful shores

Patricia A Moore
February 14, 2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bloom Wildflower Bloom

The harshness of winter cries out
Mountains blanketed, by snow about
Underneath in solitude, I’m found
Awaiting time to become unbound

Seasoned with shortness of day
In fading lights,momentary stay
The longest of night to attend
With bitter coldness creeping in

But once again the sun will shine
On these dormant limbs of mine
And the weariness of brown now seen
Will break forth into living green

Increase of growth from God’s degree
Maturing process, emotional intensity
Early stages set, performance arrives
Flourishing again,it’s essence revived

Secrets hidden, that lay concealed
Unfolding of, the petals revealed
Drink from spring, amount consumed
In Thou, mountain wildflower bloom

Patricia A Moore
February 4 ,2010