

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Patty Ann

Who am I…
That he would care
But just a plain country girl
With long brown hair

My eyes don’t sparkle
Ocean blue
Their homely brown
With a black tea hue

My words are simple
Not refined
Backwood hillbilly
This voice of mine

I don’t put on
Ruby red lips
Just denim jeans
Tight to the hips

An with these
Old boots of mine
I walk the woods
Among the mountain pine

My high society
Social event
Mending fence

As for my
Elaborate dine
I'll grab that picnic
Basket of mine

Chicken, biscuits
Don’t forget the cokes
Throw a blanket
Under the oak

Here you won’t find
That southern belle
Just little ole me
In a hick-er shell

I’ll be more then happy
To be your friend
This country gal,
Patty Ann

I’ll be more then happy
To be your friend
This country gal,
Patty Ann

1 comment:

Lori Laws said...

Very nice. Your words paint a good visual!